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Bike and Paddle Weekly Meet & Greet Mixers Open to the Public

Our Meet Greet Networking Mixers are the perfect opportunity to kickstart your participation in our upcoming Bike and Paddle weekend events. 

Open to the general public, these casual events provide a social gathering for regular members and a chance for newcomers to meet like-minded individuals without the pressure of attending a formal event.

During the mixers, final event details, meetup times, and locations are determined by those in attendance, and attendees can also discuss other Club opportunities and suggestions.

The best part? There are no fees to attend, no meetings to attend, and no other Club requirements. So, bring your friends, co-workers, and family over 21 and join us for a fun and casual evening. Stay tuned for our published schedule of events on the Club website and in our email newsletters. We hope to see you during one of our upcoming mixers and on the trail or water.


Dennis Ketterman


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