If you're lucky enough to reach old age,
there's a whole new world out there!

Nobody wants to get old, but it's inevitable. It happens to everybody.
If you're lucky! It's part of living -- a gift of freedom. From the day we were born the race is on. How we get there, and how we manage our health, physically AND mentally, is key.
Everyday is a challenge to dodge a blizzard of lifestyle choices that can get in our way and derail a normal healthy life.
In terms of cardiac function, the toll of time is not as severe as the toll of inactivity. Hippocrates got it right about 2,400 years ago, explaining, "That which is used develops; that which is not wastes away."
Humans are wired for social connection,
but we’ve become more isolated over time social connection is as essential to our long-term survival as food and water. But today, loneliness is more widespread than other major health issues in the U.S. Our epidemic of loneliness and isolation is a major public health concern
That's why we are excited to announce our latest promotion, the 70 PLUS, EASY RIDER. As the proportion of older persons is increasing at a faster rate than any other age group, we wanted to create a promotion that caters to the needs of our seniors.
The fastest growing group is that of persons 80 years old or over, and we recognize the importance of staying active and socially connected in this age group. We want to encourage seniors to stay active and enjoy the benefits of biking, while also providing opportunities to meet new people and form lasting connections. Join us for the 70 PLUS, EASY RIDER promotion and experience the joy of biking, hiking, kayaking and simpy getting OUT THERE with like-minded individuals!
Entire billion dollar industries are evolving to make our lives more convenient and easy every single day. A quick search on Amazon and One-Click ordering and it’s yours within 48 hours and you never moved off your comfy chair. Is it any wonder our obesity rate in the United States is staggering. And if we continue with that lifestyle heading into old age -- good luck
Nearly every health related source provides us plenty of information on how to age, and exercise is usually at the top of the list, followed closely by eating healthy. While the benefits of exercise for seniors apply to practically all forms of physical activity, cycling is an activity that’s particularly well-suited for the senior population due to its accessibility. Cycling is easy on the joints, even for those with joint pain or injuries.
“Health is not automatic, and the effort we put into our exercise and diet will determine how we age. Physical health often requires one to take extra steps.”

I am 77 years old and have cycled for more than 55 years. Over that period my cycling has been for many reasons; my main transport for 7 years, and for fun and fitness always. It has included road and track racing, long distance rides, multi-day tours, and just knocking about the town and countryside. Six months ago it almost came to an end when I discovered I had a failing mitral heart valve. However, 12 weeks ago I was fortunate enough to have had the valve repaired by an amazingly kind and skilled cardiothoracic surgeon. Today was my first ride since surgery. A beautiful day and I rode 18 miles at the same pace, on the same route as I did 7 months ago. It made me very happy. Hopefully this is the beginning of many, many more years of riding pleasure.
Margaret Lentell
Portland, OR
Do you have a story about your biking
experience you would like to share? Photos? YES!
Email to:dennisketterman01@gmail.com