This is permafrost. And thanks to Climate Change --
it's melting, releasing methane gas and viruses that have been dormat for millions of years.
Permafrost is any type of ground—from soil to sediment to rock—that has been frozen continuously for a minimum of two years and as many as hundreds of thousands of years. It can extend down beneath the earth’s surface from a few feet to more than a mile—covering entire regions, such as the Arctic tundra, or a single, isolated spot, such as a mountaintop of alpine permafrost. Permafrost covers an estimated 9 million square miles in the northern hemisphere—nearly the size of the United States, China, and Canada combined. For more information about permafrost and the greenhouse effects it has on climate change, GO >>
"Proof is mounting that climate change is the biggest challenge of our lifestimes and it will continue to get worse until we end the fossil fuel industry and the exponential quest for ever more profit at the expense of everything else.”